Thursday, July 19, 2012

Bill & Liz

William Asher, ex-husband of Elizabeth Montgomery, died earlier this week. He directed I Love Lucy, Bewitched, The Patty Duke Show, among many others. He was the one who discovered Elizabeth's now-famous nose twitch that Samantha used to do. They were trying to find some sort of a special main power gesture and William remembered this thing that Elizabeth used to do when annoyed and asked her about it. She did not know what he was talking about! What nose twitch? He kept trying to tell her about it to the point where she got annoyed and did it! He pointed it out to her- There! That's it!

Personal story: as a teenager (and this was LONG after Bewitched had been off the air, but it was repeating) I would stand in front of the mirror, refusing to leave it until I get the nose-twitch perfected. I got it! I still got it. The only way I can really get magic out of it is when I'm standing in front of an automatic door open/close or when the traffic light changes (and there's a countdown of the stop/walk post so I can watch it and wiggle my nose when the 0 hits and the light changes)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're bewitched!