Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The Stablers vs. The Gavins

Kathy and Elliot Stabler- Law & Order: SVU

Janet and Tommy Gavin- Rescue Me

-both couples were married for over 20 years; both currently married as of today after leaving their TV shows respectfully
-both couples have been separated.

*Tommy and Janet have been separated some time after September 11, 2001 with an on and off reunions until 2011 when they renewed their vows. Both had affairs (in secret and openly)
*Elliot and Kathy were separated for two years. Both had dated other people before reuniting

-both couples have 5 children

*Although Janet's 4th child, Wyatt, is alledgedly Johnny's son (Tommy's brother who Janet had a relationship with until he died) however Tommy counts Wyatt as his son

*Elliot briefly wondered if he was Eli's biological father- he is.

-both couples are Irish-Catholics

-Tommy and Elliot are both dedicated workaholics; Tommy with the Fire Department and Elliot with the Police Department

*Janet was a regular character

*Kathy was a recurring character

-both youngest children were born during the show- Shea (in the final episode) and Eli (in Season 9); Wyatt was also born during the show's run but in between seasons, off screen.

*Tommy and Janet lost their 3rd child, Conner, who died by a hit-and-run accident by a drunk driver. Their oldest child, Colleen, was an alcoholic

*Elliot and Kathy nearly lost their 2nd child, Kathleen, who almost overdosed on pills. She also had a history of doing cocaine and alcohol; she was diagnosed with Bipolar disorder

-both Tommy and Elliot followed their father's career footsteps

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